Garden balls made from plasticine and mosaic
First, protect your workspace with the VBS craft mat. In the first step, glue the two halves of the styrofoam balls together with VBS craft glue. Then stir some kneaded concrete in the rubber mixing cup according to the package instructions and model this concrete mass around the balls. Allow the concrete to dry thoroughly for about 12 hours.
Draw out the areas to be decorated with mosaic in pencil. Paint these areas thinly with glass mosaic adhesive, let it flash off for 10 minutes.
Before opening the Crackle Mosaic package, bend it back and forth so that the material breaks into small pieces. Fill the pieces into a small container and use the tweezers to place them on the concrete ball. When doing this, please note: Be especially careful when working with this material, as Crackle Mosaic is often very sharp and there is a risk of injury.
Mix mosaic grout according to package directions and apply it to the mosaic with a soft spatula in a way that fills the joints. Use a damp sponge to remove the excess grout from the ball and clean the mosaic tiles at the same time.
After this grout has also dried, finally coat the mosaic with grout finish. This seals the designed surface and protects it from dust and dirt.